We still need more volunteers this holiday season!
Become involved, and immerse yourself in the Holiday Spirit at the Oshkosh Celebration of Lights, and volunteer this holiday season!
Entrance Hut Volunteers
A number of you have asked for contact information for the Set-Up Chairpersons so you can get information about volunteering and other questions.
Jodi Jensema ~ jodi@discoveroshkosh.com (920) 303-9200
Paul Laurent ~ kathylaurent47@gmail.com (920) 231-2115
Also feel free to contact:
Norman Reichenberger ~ oshkoshcolorg@gmail.com C (920) 312-4283
H (920) 426-2810
Thank you 2024 Oshkosh Celebration of Lights Sponsors!
(Click on sponsor logo to visit their website!)